Naming the Capitals 50 Naming the Capitals How did the county capitals get their names? Find out with this quiz. 1 / 8 Before it was named Monrovia, it was known as (select all that apply) Monsterrado Dugbuh Cape Mesurado Dukaw 2 / 8 Call it Buchanan, but the natives will keep calling the capital of this county Gbehzohn River Cess Monsterrado Margibi Grand Bassa 3 / 8 This president changed the capital of Monserrado to his hometown, and named the new capital after himself Barclay Benson Tolbert Tubman 4 / 8 This capital was renamed Tubmanburg Bomi Hills Maryland Bopolu Bensonville 5 / 8 Grand Bassa capital is named in honor of the first Governor of the Commonwealth of Liberia James Buchanan Henry Buchanan Thomas Buchanan Robert Buchanan 6 / 8 They named this one after a US president Greenville Monrovia Marshall Harper 7 / 8 The capital of Montserrado was changed from Monrovia to Bentol False True 8 / 8 This capital is named after the river, and so is the county Cestos City Greenville Harper River Gee Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Views: 41