Tribal Regions

Test your knowledge of the locations of the native tribes. This is based on majority representation in a given region.

See The Grain Coast Natives for LibInfo’s historic profile of the native tribes.


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Along the borders with the Ivory Coast, you'll find these tribes

Select all that apply

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Both of these Mel tribes are found along the Sierra Leonean borders

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The major tribes of Nimba are

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Regardless of having all the tribes, the major tribes of Montserrado are

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A tribe from the Mende speaking group that is found in southwest Liberia

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Besides Montserrado, this county has the most number of tribes

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The Kwa tribes are mostly in these regions

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These Eastern tribes are of the Mel language group

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Comprising all the tribes with various tribal communities, this county has the most diverse mix of people

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Wakaw is home to this tribe

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