House Passes Mandatory Breastfeeding Bill
Rice Protests on Bushrod Island
Monrovia’s already stagnant traffic jam was made worse on Bushrod Island on the morning of March 29th by rice retailers protesting unfavorable rice distribution by importers. The situation with these rice import monopolies have led to a scarcity of Liberia’s staple food.
Source: Frontpage Africa
LibInfo: Liberia’s Rape Crisis
48 Year-Old Man Rapes 6 Year-Old Boy in Fiamah
The number of rape cases in Liberia continues to rise every year with young children being the most victims of such crimes. Sando Jones, age 48, is suspected of raping a six years old boy in the Fiamah Community. Reportedly, Jones is charged with statutory rape and is being held at the Monrovia Central Prison.
Source: GNN Liberia
House Passes Mandatory Breastfeeding Bill

In a 2020 report, UNICEF found out that only 5 out of 10 babies under six months are properly breastfed. This lack of breastfeeding contributes to child malnutrition, illnesses, and even death.
To curb this problem, the House of Representatives has unanimously passed a bill requiring mothers to breastfeed their babies until they are six months old. The passage of the ‘Breastfeeding, Regulation of Baby’s Food Bill’ has caused havoc and mixed feelings amongst the population. Some claim that the bill violates the freeway of women, stating in furtherance that a house of men has no business making judgment on issues that affect women.
Source: Daily Observer
Prosecutors Omit Pages From WhatsApp Chat in Cummings’ Trail
Some months ago, the political leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), Mr. Alexander Cummings, and both his party chairman and Secretary General were taken to court for allegedly altering the framework document of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).
According to Cummings lawyers, State lawyers who ought to be exemplifiers of the law, have admitted to an act of forgery by omitting pages from the WhatsApp chat between the leadership of the CPP that could exonerate their client and other accused parties.
Source: Frontpage Africa
Police Officers Sacked For Brutalizing Citizens
The Ministry of Justice has dismissed four Police officers from Johnsonville and Paynesville for brutality against civilians. One event involved beating of a young man in Brewerville, and the other happened in February where a young girl was assaulted by officers.
Source: GNN Liberia
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