Liberian Slangs and Expressions

Try this quiz on Liberian slangs and expressions. See how much you know!


1 / 10

The papay warned that you can't praise white chicken too much, implying

(select all that apply)

2 / 10

Your mouth will drag

3 / 10

You haul rope, ___________________

4 / 10

If somebody is chewing your bone, they are

5 / 10

Move your heart from there

6 / 10

Ahhhh, she in her Sunday go to meeting

7 / 10

The baby who say his ma will not sleep, ____________________

8 / 10

You see your shadow means

9 / 10

Monkey know what tree ___________________

10 / 10

If we got to pomp it for that feast, we need to buy the same

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