Former Interim President Amos Sawyer has Died

By Ayouba Toure

February 20, 2022

Dr. Amos C. Sawyer has Died
Dr. Amos Sawyer

The former president of the Interim Government of National Unity, Dr. Amos C. Sawyer, died on February 16. Sawyer headed the first interim government established during the Liberian Civil War. Having spent most of his life as an educator and politician, he retired from politics last October due failing health.

He had undergone two brain surgeries in recent years and was recuperating in Liberia. However, as his condition worsened late last year, he returned to the US for treatment. Sawyer, age 76, died at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, USA.

Source: Front Page Africa
LibInfo: Sawyer Profile

Unity Party Withdraws From CPP

Former Vice President and Political Leader of the Unity Party, Joseph N. Boakai, announced the withdrawal of his party from the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP). The CCP was a conglomeration of four opposition political parties namely, Unity Party (UP), Liberty Party(LP), Alternative National Congress(ANC) and the All Liberian Party(ALP).

It was perceived as the beacon of hope by some Liberians who considered it a strong opposition to President Weah’s Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC). However, since its formation, there has been continuous struggle for power within the CPP. This had led to splitting the CPP into factions like Team Boakai and Team Cummings.

Boakai and the Unity Party’s withdrawal doesn’t only strengthen the CDC, but is also very disappointing to many who perceived the CPP as an end to the bad governance that the country has experienced ever since its independence.

Source: Daily Observer

Senate Summons LEC and Its Regulatory Bodies

Power services across Monrovia and neighboring communities have been irregular for most of the past few months, leaving homes and communities in darkness and making them vulnerable and insecure.

The Senate has cited authorities of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) and the Liberia Electricity Regulatory Authority to appear before Planery after concerns about unstable power were raised by Senator Nyonblee Kangar-Lawrence of Grand Bassa County.

The electricity authorities are also expected to address the reported Nine Million United States Dollars owed by the Liberian government to the West Africa Power Pool from the neighboring Ivory Coast.

Source: The New Dawn

Three Men Burned Alive in Paynesville

On Thursday, February 18, three men were set ablaze in Paynesville by an angry crowd for allegedly stealing a motorcycle. According to an eyewitness, the men had stolen a motorbike and tried escaping with it. Unfortunately, they were overpowered by the angry crowd that beat and burned them alive. Two of them were burned near the Coca Cola Factory and the other got killed in the FDA community.

Source: Frontpage Africa

President Weah Moves to the Executive Mansion After 16 Years

The Executive Mansion is the official home and office of the President of Liberia. It was built during the Tubman era and used by all subsequent presidents and interim leaders. During the first year of the Sirleaf administration in 2006, the mansion was destroyed by fire and left desolate for her entire presidency of 12 years.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was used by President Sirleaf and eventually President Weah as their official workplace. The mansion has been under renovations and though not complete, Weah has moved into the building to break the 16 year spell.

Source: Analyst Liberia
LibInfo: Mansion Profile

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