LiberiaInfo is an information portal about the Republic of Liberia. It currently contains information on the basic aspects of Liberia including History, Government and the Economy. Starting from a historical perspective, the site will expand to include more sections as well as the current state of the nation.
Some Liberians have limited knowledge about their country, culture and traditions. Although we have yet to cover every detail, LiberiaInfo will answer many questions, and serve as an educational tool about Liberia. There is more to our country, and we cannot continue to define it in terms of freed slaves, a brutal war or the Ebola epedemic.
In 1906, Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston was surprised and displeased that Liberians did not pay much attention to their country and culture. He made a call that we would learn about our animals, our customs and traditions, the various tribes, and appreciate our great land. An excerpt from his book reads:
The Liberia College has existed since 1862. It has taught a great deal of useless Greek and Latin, Miltonian and Shakespearian English to pupils. It has not conveyed one particle of instruction in the languages of Africa, notably those which are spoken in Liberia itself. Yet the various dialects of the Mandingo tribe were well worth attention, and in studying the evolution of the African ideas of minute examination should have been made of the Kru group of languages.
…and the present writer earnestly hopes that the new generation will drop the attempt to translate Plato and Cicero, will cease troubling about the vicissitudes of David, leave Israel to wander in the wilderness, and devote itself whole-heartedly to studying the fascinating folklore of the Vai, the religious rites and ceremonies of the Grebo or the Gbalin, and the marvelous Miocene flora and equally remarkable fauna to be found within the limits of their 43,000 square miles.
-Liberia, Volume 1, Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston, 1906
Unfortunately, a century later, we are as oblivious as we were back then to the history, flora, fauna and anthropology of Liberia. Nevertheless, Johnston’s call is still relevant and even more apparent. We can learn about village life in Lofa, fishing on the Kru Coast or rice farming in Bassa. Give us a story about the outdooring of a baby in Cape Mount and take us to the night time play in Nimba. Teach us about basket weaving, musical instruments and other crafts. These and many more will be the featured stories of LiberiaInfo. We invite you on this journey as we will be learning, sharing our culture, and highlighting the hidden beauties of Liberia.
Please note that LiberiaInfo is a work in progress that will change and improve over time. You can help by giving constructive criticism and submitting your brilliant ideas. We are open to suggestions and anyone can help in making this project a success. We look forward to working with you to advance LiberiaInfo.
-Gasuah Zoegan and the LiberiaInfo Team
Last updated: July 26, 2020
Views: 247