St. Peter Claver

Liberians for many decades have been taught that education is the key to success. In this light we are featuring St. Peter Claver Catholic School in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. The school was established on September 9, 1929 and is under the Archdiocese of Monrovia. St. Peter has educated numerous Liberians and it is our joy and honor to shed light on this great school.

For its alumni and Liberians that attended Catholic schools, it is heartwarming to see the calm and educational atmosphere in these photos. Remember when you were like them? The one request from Acting Principal Sister Lucy, is that you stop by to visit the school and speak to the students. They need the knowledge, wisdom and interactions of adults that are outside of their regular circles.

Sister Lucy also sang the praises of the Alumini Association in the U.S. that has helped the school in many ways including fixing up the laboratory. We echo her request that you remember the students in our country and take the time to visit and chat with them. See yourself in them, and for an hour or so, help them prepare for the journey of life.

-The LiberiaInfo Team



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