Seal of Liberia

Source: Wikipedia
The seal depicts a shore scene with various symbols of the land and settlers. In the sky is a flying dove carrying an open scroll. The sun is rising over the horizon and on the ocean is a sailing ship. A palm tree with a plough and spade at its base are on the shore. At the top are the words of the national motto: ‘The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here’ and beneath the emblems are the words ‘Republic of Liberia’.
Every symbol is ascribed a meaning. The sailing vessel represents the arrival of the settlers and the palm tree represents the natural resources of Liberia. The plow and spade are the means by which those resources would be developed. The emerging sun represents the birth of Liberia and the dove with the scroll denotes communication and peaceful coexistence with other nations.
At the time of independence the recaptured slaves and native Liberian tribes were not citizens of Liberia. Hence, the symbolism in the seal represents the founders’ origin and outlook.
Cassell, Abayomi. Liberia: History of the First African Republic. New York. Fountainhead Publishers, 1970. Print.
Guannu, Joseph S. Liberian Civics. Monrovia: Herald Publishing, 2004. Print.
Johnston, Harry Hamilton. Liberia,. Hutchinson & Co., 1906. Print.
Liebenow, J. Liberia : the Quest for Democracy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Print.
Wilson, Charles Morrow. Liberia: Black Africa in Microcosm. [1st ed.]. Harper & Row, 1971. Print.
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